Rockstar Wedding Planner Live 2011 | Grace And Luxury Recap

The past week has been a whirlwind for me; in a matter of days I found out I'd won a scholarship to the annual Rockstar Wedding Planner conference, I made my flight plans, and on Sunday I arrived in Las Vegas to be amongst wedding planners and designers from all over the country.

On Sunday I hadn't been at the Green Valley Ranch Resort for even an hour before we all hopped on buses to tour three of Vegas' high end wedding chapels. Each was so different than the last; from quirky and fantasy-like to super modern and traditional.


Yes you can come down the aisle in a pink Caddy or get married in a retro 50's diner...


This was my personal favorite- white marble floors, hanging crystals, and contemporary designs.

And a few of my favorite detail shots and moments of the week:


Each day featured different table designs at lunch.


Some views from the welcome cocktail reception on day 1.


The Wedding Innovator Award winners- Simon & Ciara Daykin with Stacie Francombe, Chris Easter of the Man Registry, Sylvia Weinstock, and Ian Prosser. Each winner was commended on their forward-thinking and innovating ideas for the wedding industry.

I could go on and on with pictures and words about the conference- I will say that in three days I learned more about my business, my brides I work with, and myself than I could ever imagine, and I met some amazing planner friends. If you have some time let's meet for coffee and chat! Be sure to take a peek at the Rockstar Wedding Planner Facebook page and also our Facebook page for even more detail shots from the event.

~Happy Monday!

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