Jetting Away....

....To Florida today! That's right- we (me, Danielle, and Teresa) are hopping a flight together to travel across the country to attend The Special Event, an annual international event planning conference second to none. While basking in 70 degree temperatures (this is what Floridians call winter?), we'll also be going nonstop all day every day from educational classes that range from design to event management tracks, as well as networking with planners and event pros from all over the world. Are we excited? Just a little. I'll also get to meet, in person, some of the industry peeps that I've connected with either via Twitter, the blogosphere, or through mentorships I've participated in the past, and I'm beyond words about it all.


Once the whirlwind is over, I'll be posting my finds from The Wedding Event and the Wedding Event Galleries, as well as photos from our adventures on the East Coast, so stay tuned! You can also follow all the commentary on Twitter throughout the event with the official hashtag #TSE2012.

Our blog posting may be a little far and between this week as the girls fill in for me at the office, so be sure to check back next week for all the updates!

~Happy Monday!

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