If you're having a summer wedding, these little lovelies are perfect because they need lots of sun and even a person like me can't kill a succulent. They actually tell you to NOT water your plant too much. So after perusing all of these pictures the last couple of weeks, I'm also set to get my own plant or two for around the house.

Credits: #1- Martha Stewart, #2- The Knot.com, #3- 100 Layer Cake (Via Yes, Please), #4- Chere Amie Blog
Having succulents at your event also means they're super easy to do yourself (DIY). Even if you're not getting married, you can make simple, sweet centerpieces for your own home decor too. Check out this tutorial from the fabulous Ruffled Blog:

To Buy: You can get your own succulents or mini heads at various online shops (just google "buy bulk succulents) and even stores like Lowes that can order quantities in for you.
What other ideas have you seen with succulents? Do share!
~Happy Planning!
PS: Don't forget to enter in our Emersonmade Contest Giveaway. Show us your creative skills and imagination for a fabulous table display and we'll bring it to life!
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